Do the Right Thing!

You all understand that I post to stop bullying. Well some of you might say that I don’t really understand. Believe it or not, I’ve been through it ALL. People made rumors about me, this mean girl told everyone not to be my friend, and they pretty much listened to her. 😦  I just took each day by day, and things just moved along. Finally I was sick of it, so I did the right thing and told a teacher. She helped me and it stopped. So what YOU need to do is tell an adult, teacher, or someone you trust. It will work, I promise.

Seriously, IM SICK OF IT

you know what? im soo sick of it. I’m sick of it ALL. Don’t be scared! Just do it. Go save a life. Stand up. Tell the bully to STOP IT! IT ISN’T COOL. Do it with a friend, talk to them about it, make them realize that one of your closes friends can really be the bully. Then put an END to it all. Just tell them its plain wrong. I’m gonna tell a bully to stop tomorrow, so go ahead and do it too. trust me, you WILL save a life.

Keep Dreaming, Shoot Far!

Hey, Are Bullied at school? If so, YOU can be the one to stop it, you’ll get through it. Do you feel like you can’t do anything? Well, I want you to know that you CAN do it. If people make fun of you about what you want to do as a living, just ignore them. Tell your mind you can do it. I don’t care if you want to be a doctor to a scuba diver! Do want interests you. If you keep dreaming, you WILL shoot far. So do what you want with your life, and keep going. You’ll make it, just try hard.

The overall Message: HOW DO WE STOP BULLIES?

I’ve written MANY things on this blog, yet I haven’t gotten to the main point. How do we stop these bullies? They can seem so tough and strong, but really the stronger ones are the ones who stand up, and the weak ones are the ones that just have nothing else to do but bully.To stop them: Maybe you can talk to them. Ask them how it feels to put someone down. Approaching the bully can be hard, so maybe try something else. You can stand up for a person being bullied. If your friend just says ,”ignore him..” tell them that you are tired of this bullies’ actions and I’m tired of ignoring it! So tell the bully STRAIGHT out. Tell them that their actions really AREN’T cool, and everyone is sick of it. Soon people will start realizing that  it really isn’t cool, and start sticking with you. THAT will stop a bully!

Cyber Bullying OR Physical Bullying?

Which is worse? Cyber Bullying or Physical/Verbal Bullying? I think both are pretty bad. But if you think about it, Cyber Bullying is worse, because it is on the internet. When something is put on the internet, it is pretty much permanent. You can’t really remove it. One example is Facebook. It can be fun, yet VERY dangerous. Bullies post things, then forward them to all their friends, then they reply, and then there is a big Cyber Bully Virus. This virus is contagious. It starts with the bully who gets hit with the disease, then the virus expands and spreads. Physical Bullying is really bad too, but at least once it happens, it’s not there permanently, you know? Only people who were there during the incident can see   what happened. Although, there is a disadvantage. The Bully will tell all of their friends, and it would become a rumor in the school. So stand up to a bully TODAY, and if the bully challenges you, just tell them to think about what they are saying or doing. Tell them it is wrong. Tell them it isn’t right. Open up their eyes and explain that what they are doing can cause the victim to have a miserable life. You wouldn’t want that would you? Hopefully these words can change a bully to a friend.

lets take a stand to bullying!

hey people! hope everything is well. I realized that bullying is a HUGE problem that is happening all over the globe. So my friend and I have been talking, and we want to start an Anti-Bullying campaign. we just wanted to take a stand to bullying because it is just PLAIN WRONG. we think that no person deserves to be put down. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and we admire that. would like to take a stand?